Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 71 – Packing and Cleaning

So pretty much all day, we packed. Last night, I made cookies. As a break from the packing, we delivered the cookies to two of our neighbors (along with the 2 plates I had bought so I could use the microwave). We also gave one neighbor the extension cord that we bought since we had to borrow theirs before we bought our own. Then we headed down to Malcolm and Julia’s house to give Malcolm the remaining ½ of the Pimms that we bought on our first grocery store trip. When we showed it to Malcolm’s wife, she said it would not go to waste. She was actually surprised that we still had ½ left after 10 weeks. She was baking at the time, so I ran home and grabbed the baking supplies that we had purchased and would not be taking with us. The girls went out to Malcolm’s back yard and saw all of the fruit trees in his garden. He also keeps bees and canary’s. It was a wonderful garden. Scott came home around 5 to help pack as well. Then we went to the New Inn for our last pub dinner. I had to make a quick run to the library since as a part of my cleaning, I discovered 1 more book that should be returned. When we arrived home, Laura had gotten home from work. So we brought her some cookies and more stuff that we would not be taking with us. The girls said goodbye to Archie. It was a sad parting. Then we headed back to the house to go to bed.

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